Nr. 188057      vor mehr als 2 Monaten

Englischsprachige Nanny 1x wöchentlich gesucht

Babysitting - Kinderbetreuung
We are looking for an English-speaking nanny to take care of our 1-year-old baby boy. If you are free once a week for 1,5-2 hours, if you are a native speaker and enjoy spending time with little kids speaking and singing in English, you found yourself a new job! 🙂

We will discuss payment and time-related issues in person, please get in touch with us. We won’t be in Vienna until September, so this job probably won’t start until September 14th.

We are looking forward to meeting you personally!

 Wien Wieden / 1040 1050 1060

  von 1.203 Nutzern gesehen

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